It’s morning in America.
Here I am, thousands of miles away at University in Scotland
and I think of how blessed I am to be an American. Don’t get me wrong-- I’ve
been enjoying every minute of Edinburgh’s Fresher Welcome Week for new
students. Exploring the sites, going to traditional Ceilidh Scottish dances,
seeing comedians and British bands, and tinkering with my course schedule have
kept me busy, but today is for reflection and prayer. September 11, 2001, is a
day that altered the course of all Americans’ lives.
Today, on September 11, 2013, I walk the streets of
Edinburgh among people of all nationalities. Many of whom do not understand the
meaning of this somber day to America. The United Kingdom comprised of England,
Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, lacks a strong sense of UK
pride, excluding events like the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Rarely, will a
U—K chant erupt out of the blue to echo down a corridor as will a resounding
U-S-A in the States. A comedian chided the other night that Americans’ are
known for cheering. And indeed we have reason to cheer. We come from the
greatest country in the world, regardless of what some think. Where with hard
work, diligence, and ingenuity one can make something of their life. In America
the government is meant to serve the people, as it is the people who hold the
real power. It is not meant to go the other way.
On the streets of many UK cities it is common to see signs
stating that CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) is in use, and is always watching
you. The British have made a deal with their government: privacy for security. As
American’s we are guaranteed our Bill of Rights to prevent an obtrusive
government from making the people into servile citizens; this is something we
must never forget nor allow to be infringed upon. Our Bill of Rights is aimed
at preserving our way of life, but today we live in a world where even these bastions of freedom appear not to be foolproof.
We founded our government due to a
failing in our mother country’s governance. Our Founding Fathers instilled
political and community activism into the essence of our being. We
are not a people to give in to the evil of the world. We are unlike any other
nation in the world.
Today, we remember the loss of Americans that occurred
twelve years ago. And the bravery, self-sacrifice, and spirit that occurred in
its’ wake.
We are a marked
people. People in the UK say they can recognize an American by the smile they
wear on their countenance. I say this is a badge of honor. We are optimists. We
are a unique people from a special place; we are a treasure of the world.
Wherever you are, take a moment to honor those lost on that
day of terror. And do not forget.
God Bless
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